Lesson Ideas

Looking for a 1-Pager SIOP® Lesson Planning Checklist?  Click here to download your own copy: www.tinyurl.com/SIOPLPChecklist

ML Summit: Ways to Have Students Share Their Stories.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YrKfYzo3M660mzWOE1XJSENM_mBis0Ovsho-hFs7-Wg/edit?usp=sharing

10 Minimalist Activities: https://breakoutenglish.com/blog/minimal-materials/?fbclid=IwAR2YWNH0UuCx7m8Z1WrAy6lyFh-u9uAqJdYmPjqGGBh0Z4-7Iw3x0nypE24 

 (Note: I would change the name of "Pass the Bomb"  to another name to avoid triggering students who have experienced bombing.)

Alberta EL resources: Benchmarks, Strategies and Resources for Teachers of English Language Learners


Favorite Free Flashcard Sites:

Using Music or Video Clips

****Please preview all material before showing in class. Sites may contain content not appropriate for school!

Videos that directly teach Vocabulary or Grammar

7 Helpful Vocabulary Websites by The Confident Teacher

Visual dictionary and thesaurus: Visuwords

8 ways  to use Youtube:


Anchor Charts I Like

(Please note, often photos of these are shared on the web. I do my best to find original creator. If it is not noted and you know the source, please let me know. 

Pictures sources

https://pics4learning.com/  Pics4Learning is a curated image library that is safe and free for education. Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos and illustrations for classroom projects, web sites, videos, portfolios, or any other projects in an educational setting. 

Websites with online books in multiple languages.

Vocabulary : 7 Helpful Vocabulary Websites by The Confident Teacher.